As those of you that follow my blog will remember I first fell in love with the Fuji X pro 1 back in June 2012. Originally my aim was to use it for street photography but as the years progressed it somehow took over from my Canon 5d Mark ii and is now the camera I use most for commissioned work. However after giving myself a bit of extra time off this holiday season I decided to venture out into my Home town of London and take a few snaps.
Admittedly it’s been a while since I’ve taken any street photographs (the last time was New York 2012) so forgive me if I’m a bit rusty around the edges 🙂
Aidan says:
Posted: January 20, 2014
some nice pics Michelle….love the mono ones in particular…..
creativelondonphotographer replies:
Posted: January 20, 2014
Thanks Aidan :)